Mindfulness Meditation in the workplace
Reviews from the Facilitator Training & Certification course:

Testimonials from Client Organizations

U.S. National Park Service​
"Wendy Quan is a master at explaining the benefits of mindfulness and sharing practical techniques in a way that is very accessible and non-threatening to reach many different audiences. She offers helpful tips and dispels common myths that increase engagement and ultimately help people – even those who were initially skeptical – better manage stress and live healthier lives.
And her communication, responsiveness, and professionalism makes her wonderful to work with!"
Gabrielle Fisher, Branch Manager, Wellness and Resilience Branch, Office of Risk Management, U.S. National Park Service
From attendees of a multi-class series across the U.S. National Park Service:
"Wendy was fantastic! I found her relatable, funny, soothing and a great leader. Her engagement with the class was great. I've never taken a class where the instructor followed up with me via email for a comment I made in the chat. Very impressive. I would take any class Wendy is a part of!"
"I went from having 20 pretty major panic attacks a day to just a few. I will continue the homework from this class to try and eliminate this completely."
"Finding a great instructor like Wendy really makes it a legitimate class."

Global Association of Change Management Professionals
"Wendy Quan delivers! I’ve had the pleasure of working with Wendy for three years now from a White Paper submission. This in turn led to two webinars and four conference speaking sessions.
She has delivered each time and gets outstanding scores and feedback in our surveys and evaluations. I highly recommend partnering with Wendy!"
Nikole Fridenmaker, Director of Meetings
New Orleans global conference:
"@Wendy Quan’s topic of mindfulness meditation + change management at the global Association of Change Management professionals #ACMP2017 in New Orleans, along with her lunch time guided meditations were the talk of the conference. It really opened my eyes too as I hadn’t ever tried meditation but now see how much it could help me!"
Marlene Mathias, Speaker Coordinator

Conference 'Futures' by First Work​
"Wendy’s session on using 'Mindfulness for Innovative Change Management' was very well received and thoroughly enjoyed by our delegates at our annual national workforce development conference called 'Futures'. 
We are thankful for the time and wisdom she shared and the tools we were able to take away from her session!"
Ikram Abdi, Conference Manager, First Work - Ontario's Youth Employment Network​

Cincinnati Health Department, Ohio
"While searching the internet for an easy to implement employee mindfulness program we discovered Wendy. With just a few phone calls we were able to set up our facilitator training, employee kick-off celebration and outline our plan of action for program delivery. Now, at the beginning of the 3rd week of the program, we have already received fantastic feed back from participating employees and more and more folks are showing up each week to find out what it's all about.
Wendy's program is comprehensive and really made it easy for us to implement our weekly mindfulness sessions. We can't wait to see where it goes from here!"
​Ellen Berninger and Tonia Smith, Public Health Educators​

Chartered Professionals in Human Resources
(formerly Human Resources Management Association)​
​"Wendy, you were a pleasure to work with. Feedback from your conference presentation was fantastic! Attendees rated your session with an overall satisfaction rating of 88% (the average score was 81%).
I would not hesitate to recommend you are a presenter should anyone require an expert in this subject area."
Quinne Davey, Conference Speaker Manager
​"Wendy, your webinars attracted such interest and it is absolutely our honour to be able to showcase them.
They hit our webinar attendance out of the park!""
Judy Cave, Professional Development Coordinator

Administrative Professionals Conference
“Wendy was a highlight at our conference providing an informative and engaging talk on Mindfulness. She provided easy and helpful tools to incorporate into our daily lives to reduce stress, become happier and be more at peace. Wendy truly helps others “create a better experience of life”.
She has helped change my life as a result of her talk. On top of this, she is calm, passionate, knowledgeable and great to work with. I highly recommend Wendy as an impactful speaker.”
Susan Francis, Manager and conference organizer

Vancity (financial co-operative bank)
"At Vancity we aim to create and sustain a healthy, supportive and productive work environment. Our Employee Well-being survey results highlighted our employee’s increasing mental health concerns, and this told us we need to continue to explore ways to build a workplace that supports the health and well-being of our employees.
Wendy Quan’s Mindfulness Meditation Facilitator Training workshop and toolkit was an opportunity for Vancity to pilot the practice of mindfulness with a group of volunteer employees interested in exploring this evolving praxis. Our volunteers trained as facilitators and led ongoing meditation sessions for other interested employees. Wendy worked with us to quickly deliver a training program that met the various skill levels of the volunteers, as well as provided tools / resources to support the launch and continued promotion of the program. Wendy was very flexible, collaborative and generous with her time and expertise, following up with us and our facilitators to provide coaching and additional support, thus ensuring a successful implementation. In the space of six months we have seen solid employee usage and positive employee feedback, with 76% of the participants surveyed committed to continued regular attendance.
I would recommend partnering with Wendy to any organization interested in implementing a self-sustaining mindfulness program for their employees’ well-being."
Tanya Morrison
Manager Total Rewards Initiatives, Vancity

University of British Columbia
"Thank you, Wendy, for another fantastic 'Learn to Meditate' series at UBC. It's always such a pleasure working with you and we appreciate the opportunity to offer this series to our employees. Thank you for always being a great facilitator!"
Melissa Lafrance, Health & Well-being Associate, and Miranda Massie, Health Promotions Coordinator.
"... Wendy carefully tailored a 4-week Learn to Meditate program and a 1 session Mindful Meditation Facilitator Training program for UBC Staff/Faculty. This was launched on July 29, 2014, and has been extremely well received. We offer this every year as a permanent fixture in our Healthy UBC programming.
In my line of work I encounter many types of presenters/facilitators – Wendy is without doubt the most naturally gifted presenter/facilitator I have hired to date – and combined with her interest and education in the area of mindfulness/mediation this makes her a unique commodity. I can’t recommend her enough."
Colin Hearne, Health and Wellbeing Associate

Justice Institute of British Columbia
"Wendy’s keynote address on Meditation and Mindfulness was very well delivered. It received a warm and enthusiastic response from our staff who embraced and appreciated Wendy’s message and her authenticity."
Jon Marks, Director of Human Resources

City of Vancouver
"Wendy was wonderful to work with, using the same calm and thoughtful approach that guides her meditation practice throughout the process of developing and implementing this program. Her collaborative approach, flexibility and patience were much appreciated in the tailoring the program to our organization's unique needs.
The survey results attest to the great success of this program, with participants finding both Wendy and the presentations "inspirational". Of particular value was the introduction of several different meditation and mindfulness techniques, so people could find and choose what worked best for them. They also liked her blend of science, statistics and anecdotal stories, as well as the credible resources provided.
Even these few sessions had a positive impact on the employees who participated. Their ratings of both their ability to handle stress and their resiliency made a significant jump from low or moderate to high. Many participants commented on the "instant results" they experienced and almost all of them felt empowered and inspired to incorporate meditation into their daily lives.It was one of the most impactful programs that we have offered our employees through our health promotion program and I would highly recommend it."
Kate Lekas, Health Enhancement Coordinator
Testimonials from program participants

"I took this program in 2016, and have been able to grow my facilitation groups, get organizational support and now coordinate other facilitators within my organization. I used every tool and piece of advice you gave us. "
~Kulli, Vancity​

"LOVE that I have all the wonderful resources to use! I liked having to create my action plan and consciously recognize my journey so that I wasn't just consuming material. Thank you Wendy! Your calm, confident self and experience doing this work for organizations is priceless and we seek to pioneer this in our own organizations."
~Amy Haworth, Chief of Staff, Citrix

"Wendy is a very talented teacher and leader who works extremely well with her audiences. The program that Wendy has developed is fantastic. The network of highly skilled mindfulness meditation facilitators is a great resource for facilitators. If you are considering becoming a Mindfulness facilitator, I highly recommend working with Wendy at The Calm Monkey!"
~Marc, Founder, the gunnar project

"I'm really glad I chose The Calm Monkey for my training. It went beyond what I expected. I feel all the bases were covered in helping me roll out sessions in my organization, and I've started a side business too! Wendy is truly there for you when you need her, is super responsive and vested in my success."
~Tanya Ross, The Region of Peel, and owner of Mind Over Chatter

"I am from Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and I took The Calm Monkey’s excellent online Facilitator Training course in 2016. It gave me the confidence I needed to go out into the community at large and share knowledge, experience and most importantly, help with practice to the people of the UAE. As a result of TCM's easy to use and highly effective online course, I now offer the UAE’s first internationally accredited mindfulness course for children. I go in to schools and train teachers on how they can bring Mindfulness into their classroom. I am very pleased to say, I am now offering Mindful Seeds training to the entire faculty of my third school and I am so grateful to Wendy for her continued support and giving me the confidence to reach out to the children of the UAE. Thank you Wendy and good luck to all TCM facilitators out there, we ARE making a difference!"
​~Justine, Sandy Seeds​

"I think this program provides an excellent benefit to new facilitators, as well as to those with general facilitation experience. The certification program helped me focus on improving the quality of facilitating mindfulness meditation, connected me with other facilitators, and provided valuable information for integrating mindfulness meditation into businesses. I also benefited from Wendy Quan's support and mentoring."
~Teresa McKee, CEO of Work2Live Well

"Thank you Wendy! The certification continues to open more doors to unlimited opportunities! The certification credentials will allow me to promote my work in a more professional manner."
~Debby DeSpain, The Mindful Key

"I would recommend the certification to others, found the experience of high value and am adding these credentials to my profile!"
~Stacy Conlon, The Zen Girl