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When you hate your job, sharing mindfulness can help

Updated: Aug 31, 2020

According to Gallup, 85% of the world’s one billion full-time workers are not engaged at work.

Are you in the 85%? If you are, I'm so sorry to hear that.

And guess what, the Gallup survey was conducted in 2017. I cringe to think of how much that 85% has increased since COVID-19 hit the world. Lots of people are re-evaluating their lives and thinking about doing something different with their work.

It’s easier said than done to find another job, and obviously there are no guarantees that changing jobs will make your work life happier. Many reasons keep us in our jobs, even though some amount of dread may enter our minds when we think about being at work.

For me, although I was grateful for the corporate career I had, the stress and office politics never sat well with me. After I dealt with cancer in 2010, and it was time to return to work, the dread I felt stemmed from the belief that my job might have caused my cancer. Imagine the deep sense of internal resistance I had about going back to the same employer and job. I didn’t hate my job, but I dreaded it.

In all my years of intimate conversations I’ve had with people, so rarely did I find people who loved their job.

If you are in a job that you dislike, what if you could spend part of your day doing something that fulfills you and connects with something you’re passionate about?

Chances are that you came upon this article because you have a personal interest in mindfulness and/or meditation.

Among all the mindfulness meditation facilitators who lead others in their workplace, many now have a source of joy at work.

To introduce mindfulness at work, it does not matter what job you are in. The opportunity to share your passion with others brings an element into your work life that transcends your job role.

Not only does it feel great to help others, what can happen is an informal community builds among those who attend mindfulness sessions that wouldn’t otherwise happen. Bringing a sense of humanity into the workplace is sorely needed these days. When you have in the same session a senior leader, a receptionist, a project coordinator and an accounts payable clerk, all practicing mindfulness, our job roles begin to disappear and we begin to see our collective humanness unveil.

Look forward to going to work

Whether you hate your job or simply wish you could be doing something different but still need that paycheque, being a mindfulness champion at work will lift your spirits and give you a whole new reason for being there. You may even enjoy being there!

Of course, in order to do so, it’s important to learn best practices of how to introduce mindfulness into the workplace, lead correctly and avoid risk for yourself and your co-workers.

For me, and many facilitators, it’s energizing, meaningful and purposeful to bring a human element to the workplace.

Imagine wearing a whole different 'hat' at work. People's faces will light up when they recognize you as the 'mindfulness person'.

Wouldn't it be totally fun to champion mindfulness to help people cope better with stress and create more joy in their lives? Now more than ever with COVID-19 upon us, we need to help people develop mindfulness and meditation skills.

Real, sustaining happiness comes from helping others.

If you wish to consider becoming a certified mindfulness meditation facilitator, I welcome your exploration.


~Wendy Quan, Founder, The Calm Monkey


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